Monday, 26 July 2010

Guru Yang Tiada Otak

Status: Bosan. Mood: Kelakar.

Guru tadika
: Anak-anak, nampak tak pen ini?
Murid-murid : Nampak cikgu.
Guru tadika : Pen ada kan ?
Murid-murid : Ada cikgu.

Kemudian guru tadika tadi memasukkan pen itu
ke dalam poket dia dan kemudian bertanya lagi.

Guru tadika : Anak-anak,nampak tak pen?
Murid-murid : tak nampak cikgu.
Guru tadika : pen ada tak?
Murid-murid : tak ada cikgu.
Guru tadika : Anak-anak nampak Tuhan tak?
Murid-murid : tak nampak cikgu.
Guru tadika : Tuhan ada tak?
Murid-murid : tak ada cikgu.

Guru tadika itu sangat gembira kerana tujuannya untuk mempengaruhi kanak-kanak itu berjaya. Tetapi.. dalam kumpulan kanak-kanak itu ada seorang budak yang pintar yang bernama Amin lalu dia pun mengangkat tangan.

Amin : Cikgu, boleh saya cakap sesuatu?
Guru tadika : Boleh,mari ke depan.
Amin : Kawan-kawan nampak cikgu tak?
Murid-murid : nampak.
Amin : cikgu ada kan ?
Murid-murid : ada.
Amin : Kawan-kawan nampak otak cikgu tak?
Murid-murid : tak nampak.
Amin : cikgu ada otak tak?
Murid-murid : tak ada.

Nota sampingan:
ahahaa sebal punye cikgu,
kene ayam dengan anak murid~

Gambar daripada
Fell free to share. :)

Ku abes menulis 1 coretan pada:
Pukul 8:30pm Isnin 26 Julai 2010.

Nenek pernah berkate:
"Cikgu ni nak kene pelempang bercombo ni."

Hello silent reader, why not you leave a comment. I really appreciate that. :)

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Penghormatanku kepada lelaki agung, Adolf Hitler

Status: Nazi. Mood: German.


Apa yang bakal anda baca ini ialah sebuah email yang saya terima dari seorang kawan dari Arab Saudi. Saya terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu dan saya kongsi bersama anda semua.

Aku berbual dengan seorang ahli keluarga yang sedang menamatkan tesis PhD beliau dan aku amat terperanjat apabila beliau nyatakan tesis beliau berkaitan Adolf Hitler, pemimpin Nazi. Maka aku katakan "Takkan dah habis semua tokoh Islam di dunia ini sampai kamu memilih si bodoh ini dijadikan tajuk?"

Beliau ketawa lalu bertanya apa yang aku ketahui tentang Hitler. Aku lalu menjawab bahawa Hitler seorang pembunuh yang membunuh secara berleluasa dan meletakkan German mengatasi segala-galanya. Lalu dia bertanya dari mana sumber aku. Aku menjawab sumberku dari TV pastinya.

Lalu dia berkata : " Baiklah, pihak British telah melakukan lebih dahsyat dari itu...pihak Jepun semasa zaman Emperor mereka juga sama...tapi kenapa dunia hanya menghukum Hitler dan meletakkan kesalahan malahan memburukkan nama Nazi seolah-olah Nazi masih wujud hari ini sedangkan mereka melupakan kesalahan pihak British kepada Scotland, pihak Jepun kepada dunia dan pihak Afrika Selatan kepada kaum kulit hitam mereka?" Aku lantas meminta jawapan dari beliau. Beliau menyambung : "Ada dua sebab -

1. Prinsip Hitler berkaitan Yahudi, Zionisme dan penubuhan negara Israel. Hitler telah melancarkan Holocaust untuk menghapuskan Yahudi kerana beranggapan Yahudi akan menjahanamkan dunia pada suatu hari nanti.

2. Prinsip Hitler berkaitan Islam. Hitler telah belajar sejarah kerajaan terdahulu dan umat yang lampau, dan beliau telah menyatakan bahawa ada tiga tamadun yang terkuat, iaitu Parsi, Rome dan Arab. Ketiga-tiga tamadun ini telah menguasai dunia satu ketika dulu dan Parsi serta Rome telah mengembangkan tamadun mereka hingga hari ini, manakala Arab pula lebih kepada persengketaan sesama mereka sahaja. Beliau melihat ini sebagai satu masalah kerana Arab akan merosakkan Tamadun Islam yang beliau telah lihat begitu hebat satu ketika dulu.

Atas rasa kagum beliau pada Tamadun Islam, beliau telah mencetak risalah berkaitan Islam dan diedarkan kepada tentera Nazi semasa perang, walaupun kepada tentera yang bukan Islam.

Beliau juga telah meberi peluang kepada tentera German yang beragama Islam untuk menunaikan solat ketika masuk waktu di mana jua...bahkan tentera German pernah bersolat di dataran Berlin dan Hitler ketika itu mennggu sehingga mereka tamat solat jemaah untuk menyampaikan ucapan beliau.

Hitler juga sering bertemu dengan para Ulamak dan meminta pendapat mereka serta belajar dari mereka tentang agama dan kisah para sahabat dalam mentadbir.

Hitler bersama Syeikh Amin Al-Husainiy

Beliau juga meminta para Sheikh untuk mendampingi tentera beliau bagi mendoakan mereka yang bukan Islam dan memberi semangat kepada yang beragama Islam untuk membunuh Yahudi.

Seorang tentera Nazi melekatkan gambar Mufti Al-Quds

Semua maklumat ini ialah hasil kajian sejarah yang dilakukan oleh saudara aku untuk tesis PhD beliau dan beliau meminta aku tidak menokok tambah apa-apa supaya tidak menyusahkan beliau untuk membentangkannya nanti. Beliau tidak mahu aku campurkan bahan dari internet kerana aku bukan pakar bidang sejarah. Tetapi gambar-gambar yang ada di sini sudah lama tersebar dan semua orang boleh melihatnya di internet.

Aku juga sedaya upaya mencari maklumat tambahan di internet dan berjumpa beberapa perkara :

1: Pengaruh Al-Quran di dalam ucapan Hitler.
Ketika tentera Nazi tiba di Moscow, Hitler berhajat menyampaikan ucapan. Dia memerintahkan penasihat-penasihatnya untuk mencari kata-kata pembukaan yang hebat tak kira dari kitab agama, kata-kata ahli falsafah ataupun dari bait syair. Seorang sasterawan Iraq yang bermastautin di German mencadangkan ayat Al-Quran :

(اقتربت الساعة وانشق القمر) bermaksud : Telah hampir Hari Kiamat dan bulan akan terbelah...

Hitler berasa kagum dengan ayat ini dan menggunakannya sebagai kalam pembukaan dan isi kandungan ucapan beliau. Memang para ahli tafsir menghuraikan bahawa ayat tersebut bermaksud kehebatan, kekuatan dan memberi maksud yang mendalam.

Perkara ini dinyatakan oleh Hitler di dalam buku beliau Mein Kampf yang ditulis di dalam penjara bahawa banyak aspek tindakan beliau berdasarkan ayat Al-Quran, khususnya yang berkaitan tindakan beliau ke atas Yahudi.

2. Hitler bersumpah dengan nama Allah yang Maha Besar

Hitler telah memasukkan sumpah dengan nama Allah yang Maha Besar di dalam ikrar ketua tenteranya yang akan tamat belajar di akademi tentera German.

" Aku bersumpah dengan nama Allah (Tuhan) yang Maha Besar dan ini ialah sumpah suci ku,bahawa aku akan mentaati semua perintah ketua tentera German dan pemimpinnya Adolf Hitler, pemimpin bersenjata tertinggi, bahawa aku akan sentiasa bersedia untuk berkorban dengan nyawaku pada bila-bila waktu demi pemimpin ku"

3. Hitler telah enggan meminum beer (arak) pada ketika beliau gementar semasa keadaan German yang agak goyah dan bermasalah. Ketika itu para doktor mencadangkan beliau minum beer sebagai ubat dan beliau enggan, sambil mangatakan " Bagaimana anda ingin suruh seseorang itu minum arak untuk tujuan perubatan sedangkan beliau tidak pernah seumur hidupnya menyentuh arak?"

Ya, Hitler tidak pernah menjamah arak sepanjang hayat beliau. Minuman kebiasaan beliau ialah teh menggunakan uncang khas.

Bukanlah tujuan penulisan ini untuk membela apa yang dilakukan oleh Hitler, tetapi ianya bertujuan untuk menyingkap apa yang disembunyikan oleh pihak Barat. Semoga kita semua beroleh manfaat.

Nota sampingan:
Penghormatanku kepada lelaki agung, Adolf Hitler.
Semoga ada sepertinya di zaman ini.
(Tapi tidak lebih dari Nabi Muhammad S.A.W)
Fell free to share. :)

Ku abes menulis 1 coretan pada:
Pukul 10:59am Sabtu 13 Julai 2010.

Nenek pernah berkate:
"Walaupun dah lame hidup, tapi nenek baru tau."

Hello silent reader, why not you leave a comment. I really appreciate that. :)

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Why muslims don't like when you draw Muhammad?

Status: Why do they hate us so much? hmm Mood: Islam.

Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you)

Dear brothers, sisters and friends,

From time to time, we hear in the news that somebody made a drawing of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and so many muslims around the world got angry, complained and didn't like it. some of you (non-muslims) may ask "Why muslims are so sensitive? it's just a drawing. it could be anyone" or "Why when we draw somebody else, no one complains and when we draw Mohammed, all Muslims don't like it?" and so many other questions. here I'll try to make it clear for those who want to know why we get angry when our prophet is drawn.

first, I want you to know that representing our prophet in art is not the real problem. we, muslims, don't draw our prophet, out of respect. because no matter how good the artist is, he can never depict the prophet like he was. so the drawing will never be faithful. so it's considered a lie about the prophet (since the drawing is different from how he really looked like). and we are not allowed to lie about our prophet. so muslims can't draw or represent the prophet (our prophet or any other prophet)
there are some muslims who have a different opinion. they think that representing the prophet is not forbidden as long as the representation is respectful and not insulting. those muslims try to make a respectful representation of the prophet(s) in their art. this can be accepted as long as it doesn't offend anyone.

now for non-muslims. we can't expect from them to respect our prophet the way we do. but what we see from time to time, is that some people depict the prophet Mohammed.
the real question is : "Why is it that all these depictions are always done for the purpose of insulting the prophet and Islam?" "why they always want to make fun of him and show him in a bad way?" "why we don't see any respectful drawings of the prophet done by non-muslims? why all of them are disrespectful?" it's obvious, all those who draw the prophet want to insult him and Islam. there is no muslim who complains about respectful drawings of the prophet. but when someone draws our prophet in a shameful way to make fun of him or link him to terrorism, making him as an ugly cartoon character or something like that, we don't like it. and we have the right no to like it. if someone insults your father, will you like it? if you love your father, you'll certainly not. then know that our prophet is dearer to us than our fathers.

We muslims don't draw and make fun of any religious symbols either ours or not. you can't find any disrespectful drawing of Jesus Christ, Moses, Buddha or any other religious person drawn by muslims. we don't make fun or insult other people's beliefs. we respect everyone's belief. and we ask the same from others: respect our belief and religious symbols.

we don't like when someone insults our beloved prophet and calls it freedom of speech. everyone is free to express his opinion considering that he/she respects the beliefs of others and doesn't offend them. most people confuse between "hate speech" and "freedom of speech". what we see in the media is hate toward Islam. those people who draw the prophet didn't even bother to read a little about him and his life. we have in Islam some very good descriptions of how the prophet looked like. and all those disgusting drawings are far from that description because those who drew them don't know anything about Islam. and when we complain, they answer that this is freedom. Is insulting others freedom? is making fun of others' beliefs freedom? is spreading hatred freedom? is spreading lies and war freedom? this is wrong. totally wrong. why? there are so many ways how you can express your opinion with others without hurting and offending them. there are so many civilized ways to disagree with others. and still letting them like you and respect you. if you want to talk about our prophet. it's fine. but don't spread baseless lies to fool people.

another thing to notice. those people who draw bad drawings to insult the prophet Mohammed, all of them share the same thing: they like to insult others when they feel weak. you may ask why I say so? it's simple, go and enter in a debate with any one of them to explain the truth and you see how low their language can go. this shows that those people are the worst of the worst (we shouldn't call them artists since an artist has a high duty and message and should spread peace and not hate)

There is one proverb that says "no one will kick a dead dog" if you are not important, nobody will bother to bring you troubles. but if you are important, people will try their best to bring you down. if Mohammed peace be upon him was not great, no one would bother to try to insult him. but since he is one of the greatest men in history (some of you may disagree about this. but let's face facts. a man who wins the hearts of more than a billion people around the world is a great man. right?). there are so many people who tried/try/will try uselessly to bring down his reputation by spreading lies and insults. this doesn't happen simply because his love is always lit in the hearts of millions of muslims around the world. those who draw insulting drawings of the prophet get some attention and hate in a short time and then they will always end up forgotten by the world. and in the end, the prophet Mohammed still keeps the same high place in the heart of those who love him. look at all great artists in history. they drew subjects far from hate. and that's what made them famous and great.

There are limits to freedom. and its limits are when you insult other people's freedom, rights and faiths. you have the right to express your opinion but without offending others. when you learn and understand this, you will be a great human being. when you insult others whenever you open your mouth, nobody will like you and nobody will listen to you seriously... as an artist, you can choose a peaceful way to spread your message and be loved by the people... or a hateful way to spread it and get hate from the people...

May God bless you,
Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you)
by fullwhitemoon

Nota sampingan:
No copyright in searching for truth.
Source from deviantART. Thanks to fullwhitemoon for the great article.
Sharing is caring an? ngeahhhh~

Ku abes menulis 1 coretan pada:
Pukul 2:15am Sabtu 10 Julai 2010.

Nenek pernah berkate:
"Islam adalah agama yang sebenar"

Hello silent reader, why not you leave a comment. I really appreciate that. :)

Saturday, 3 July 2010

What nation will win the World Cup 2010?

Status: Tengah tunggu match Spain. Mood: Worldcup.

Okay, let's look at the numbers to understand this phenomenon.

1.Brazil won the World Cup in 1994 before that they won the World Cup in 1970.
Adding 1970+1994= 3964

2.Argentina won the World Cup in 1986, before that they won the World Cup in 1978.
Adding 1978+1986= 3964

3.Germany won the World Cup in 1990, before that they also won in 1974.
Adding 1974+1990= 3964

4.Brazil also won the World Cup in 2002, before that they won in 1962.
Adding 1962+2002= 3964

5.Therefore if you want to know what nation will win the World Cup in 2010, you have to simply subtract 2010 from the magical number '3964' and you will get your answer. So 3964 - 2010 = 1954. And guess what? Germany won the World Cup in 1954 when they beat Hungary 3-2 in the Final.

Nota sampingan:
Papepon, kite tengok je la malam ni Argentina V Germany.
Sumber dari member bernama Muhammad Zaki Supandi. Thanks Zaki.
Sharing is caring an? ngeahhhh~

Ku abes menulis 1 coretan pada:
Pukul 8:03pm Sabtu 03 Julai 2010.

Nenek pernah berkate:
"Ni semua ramalan jer, jangan percaya, Kurafat!
papepon, Viva la Espana la furia roja!"

Hello silent reader, why not you leave a comment. I really appreciate that. :)

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